“Amit means friend, a lifelong friend”

“Where joy exists,
dividers fall.”
Isac Levi


My name is Hadas Yatom, I’ve been living in the independent apartment for 25 years.
In the apartment I have many roles, for instance, I’m in charge of cleaning supplies –
I take out all the supplies and document our stock, ordering whatever is needed.
I’m very pleased with my roles in the apartment,
I accept all sorts of other roles I’m given, which allow me to progress in my daily life, and the staff trusts me very much.
Every morning I travel to Lod Occupation Rehabilitation Center. There There I work in all sorts of jobs, and I have a role in sorting out bottles.
We collect plenty of money this way and buy awesome things.
My younger sister, Gila, also lives in the hostel. I didn’t know her before I came to Amit.

מאמרים נוספים


I came to Israel from Morocco and grew up in Be’er Sheva, when the city was still small and old. Mother always

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